慶應SFC 2012年 環境情報学部 英語 大問1 内容一致解説

[21] The term “hyperparenting” is used in the article in reference to those cases in which 

・正答: 2. parents try to excessively manipulate their children’s lives. 


  1. 親が子供の人生を過度に操作しようとする場合を指します。


・正解の理由: 「I mean the excessive parental management and molding of children」と述べられています。これは、親が子供の人生に過度に介入し、形成しようとする行為を「ハイパーペアレンティング」と定義しています。



  1. parents care enough about their children. 



  1. parents resort to genetic technologies for medical purposes.



  1. the government takes control of parenting, education, and healthcare.



[22] According to the 6th paragraph, what are “designer children”?

・正答: 4. Children whose traits are preselected by their parents.


・正解の理由: 「picking and choosing the traits we want in our children」と述べられており、親が事前に子供の特性を選択する行為が「デザイナーベビー」を作ることにつながります。



  1. Children who are well cared for by their parents and society. 



  1. Children who are overly competitive, and overly controlling. 



  1. Children whose high intelligence leads to a strong interest in design.



[23] In the 6th paragraph, Sandel explains his opinion that genetic engineering may 

・正答: 3. make children into products.


・正解の理由: 「The risk is that we will turn children into objects of manufacture, into commodities」と述べられており、遺伝子工学を利用することで子供を商品化するリスクがあると指摘しています。




  1. make children dislike their parents.



  1. discourage racism and advance freedom.



  1. allow everyone to have perfect lives.



[24] According to the 8th paragraph, we can assume that Sandel thinks that the use of human growth hormone

・正答: 1. can be problematic when it is extended to non-medical purposes. 


・正解の理由: 「The real danger of hyperparenting will come when parents feel pressured to resort to genetic engineering for the sake of giving their children a competitive edge」と述べられており、医療目的以外での遺伝子工学や成長ホルモンの使用が問題になり得ると指摘しています。



  1. should be limited because it can cause severe medical problems. 



  1. should be promoted because it enables the creation of “designer children.”



  1. should be allowed for everyone who wishes to be tall and handsome.



[25] Which of the following best represents Sandel’s thoughts on modern eugenics?

・正答: 3. It is problematic on ethical grounds especially in a consumer-driven society.


・正解の理由: 「I think that eugenics is morally troubling even without the state coercion because now the eugenic ambition is connected to consumerism in a competitive society」と述べられており、競争社会における消費主義と結びついたユージェニクスが倫理的に問題であると考えています。



  1. It should be promoted only under the guidance by the government.



  1. It can be of some use in a consumer-driven, free-market society.



  1. It should be promoted without state coercion in order to create designer children.



[26] The term “a leg up” in the 10th paragraph can be taken to mean

・正答: 2. an advantage.


・正解の理由: 「parents will feel increasing pressures to resort to genetic engineering in order to give their children a leg up in a competitive society」と述べられており、競争社会において子供に利点を与えるために遺伝子工学に頼る圧力が増していると説明しています。



  1. a competition.



  1. a higher purpose.



  1. a medical condition.



[27] According to the article, which of the following best represents Sandel’s position?

・正答: 3. In a competitive society, parents may want to genetically enhance their children, but it is morally questionable.


・正解の理由: 「It’s this combination that worries me」と述べられており、競争社会における遺伝子工学の利用が倫理的に問題があると考えています。



  1. Competition among parents is morally wrong, whereas competition among young people is to be highly encouraged.



  1. Competition is part of modern life, and therefore parents should be allowed to use genetic technologies to create perfect children.



  1. Parents are encouraged to use genetic technologies for their children so that they may become winners in a competitive society.



[28] In the 12th paragraph, Sandel states that “the gap between rich and poor will be genetically reinforced.” What does he mean?

・正答: 4. Rich people will remain rich, and poor people will remain poor, because only the former can afford genetic enhancement for their children.


・正解の理由: 「The risk is that the gap between rich and poor will be genetically reinforced」と述べられており、遺伝子技術を利用できるのは金持ちだけであるため、金持ちと貧乏人の間の格差が遺伝子レベルで強化されるリスクがあると指摘しています。



  1. Rich people can receive proper medical care, whereas poor people cannot, but this situation will change in the future.



  1. Both rich and poor will be able to take advantage of genetic technologies in the future, thus bridging the gap between them.



  1. Rich people are genetically stronger and healthier than poor people, and the difference between them will increase in the future.金持ちが遺伝子的に強く健康であるという違いが将来増大するとは述べていません。


[29] According to Sandel, we feel a sense of solidarity when we realize that

・正答: 4. the difference between the fortunate and the less fortunate is simply by chance.


・正解の理由: 「Some people are fortunate or gifted by chance. If many of our advantages can’t be said to be our own doing, then that gives a powerful drive to solidarity」と述べられており、私たちの多くの利点が自分自身の功績ではないという認識が、連帯感を強める原動力になると説明しています。



  1. genetic technologies make life more predictable. 



  1. people around us are more gifted and fortunate than we are. 



  1. we owe what we are to our own efforts and hard work.



[30] Which of the following is in accordance with Sandel’s opinion regarding genetic technologies?

・正答: 1. Though useful to humankind, when misused, genetic technologies can cause problems.


・正解の理由: 「My concern is with non-medical uses of genetic technologies」と述べられており、遺伝子技術が医療以外の目的で利用されるときに問題が生じる可能性があるとの懸念を表明しています。



  1. Genetic technologies are extremely dangerous and should be suspended immediately.



  1. Genetic technologies may help humanity, but they can also cause serious illnesses.



  1. The use of genetic technologies should create perfect children, but it is expensive.





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