早稲田大学 国際教養学部 AO入試 志望理由書 提出例(樋口 清秀 教授参考)
Dear Admission Office,
I am writing this letter with an intention to explain my purpose in applying for School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University, hoping to pursue a major in Leadership and Comparative Economic Studies later in my academic year. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read and grant me an unconditional admission or an opportunity to the next in-person interview. During the interview, I would also be delighted to expand more on my area of studies and what I can achieve upon joining the school.
Especially in Asia, we are living in exciting times, with the region being a powerhouse of economic growth, expected to deliver more than 60% of global economic growth since 2017. At the very core of such incredible economic development are business leaders who create, sustain and develop companies that drive growth in Asia. But who are they and what are the leadership styles of an Asian leaders? Do they in all the region’s countries display similarities? Or are there marked differences, depending on cultures or stages of corporate development? A new era of constant business disruption, changing demographics and technological upheaval is redefining the workplace, workforce and work itself. Therefore, the relationship between leaders and their followers is becoming more central than ever before to the concept of leadership.
Leadership requires a vigilant interplay between the employees and the system. The challenge is, in the West, the primary focus is on individual empowerment and human capital optimisation while Asia tends towards group harmony, optimisation of the system and social capital expansion which in turn trickles down to the individual. This is where studying social capital becomes extremely important and technologies like people analytics and data visualizing tools can help. According to consulting firms such as Tata Communications, many companies spend a great amount on leadership programs, HR tech or services analysing all kinds of internal and external resources. For cultural differences, India is known for its global leadership exports who are highly aspirational, mobile, adaptable, and are able to skillfully navigate volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments, the same study shows. Interestingly, findings indicate that leaders coming out of the Philippines, China and Vietnam share similar global leadership traits, while leaders from Japan and Korea can be leading national companies but rarely international ones. Singapore’s leaders offer a unique proposition of bridging the gap between East and West, hence positioning the city state as the most cosmopolitan with a global outlook when taking business decisions.
We live in a world of many changes, human capital exchange and following consequences, and more than ever understanding different cultures and international economic trend has been so important to guide our own journey. Therefore, I feel passionate about gaining broad knowledge in international studies from diverse perspectives and deep dive in leadership studies as well as corporate studies. I am impressed with a wide range of study programs that can be found on online syllabus. And in order for me to attain high-level education and equip myself with what is needed to survive the next decades of globalization and competition, it is extremely important for me to study various international studies among like-minded students at Waseda where liberal studies is offered. Thank you very much for reading and I am very much looking forward to hearing good news.