慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(川俣 雅弘先生ゼミ向け)
Dr. Masahiro Kawamata
Department of Economics, Economic History
Keio University
Dear Professor Kawamata,
I am writing this letter in order to share my motivation in applying for Department of Economics at Keio University, with its focus on Economic History. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read.
Resurgence of cultures, does it keep repeating? We tend to focus on the western economic studies after the industrialization, however, we have seen powers peak, go down and re-emerge like China and India. It seems that the framework of “micro-macro-meso-meta-economics” also referred to as “systemnomics” is a more complete way to analyze human economies, because we live in such complex systems evolving within dynamically changing society with social, political and human components.
At the end of the day, whether tax policy passed or not is a political decision.That is why it is very important that policy makers are exposed to economics with relevant comparison that is evidence based. Japan claims it is a middle class dominant healthy society, however numbers suggest the otherwise, that ratio of low income is increasing and individual consumption ability is decreasing.
The topic of wealth/ income inequality has seen new life in recent months. It is being discussed by politicians, but also in articles within Wall Street, globalization and automation destroying well-paying middle class jobs and income gaps are actually hurting both the rich and the poor. Government needs to make sure that companies are able to move up the ladder of value chains to supply well paid jobs locally, that will help fill up local finance, provide social services and increase consumption. Otherwise, the rich will be impacted by the decreasing market demand and will have to move manufacturing processes overseas for cheaper labor that will deprive the opportunities of the locals.
In places where economies resurged, there was governmental intervention to provide education, social service, employment, and nurture businesses to earn foreign currencies. In order to truly understand the trends from which Japan can learn from, it would be extremely exciting for me to take part in your seminar. Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.
Thank you and Regards,
*The authorship of the marginal productivity theory in “The old quarrel”, 川俣, 雅弘
, Keio economic studies (Keio Economic Society, Keio University) 46 43 – 59 2010年 *Micro, Macro, Meso, and Meta Economics, Oct 9, 2012 ANDREW SHENG , XIAO GENG