早稲田大学 国際教養学部 AO入試 志望理由書 提出例(桜井 洋 教授参考)

早稲田大学 国際教養学部 AO入試 志望理由書 提出例(桜井 洋 教授参考)

Dear Admission Office, 

To begin with, I would like to thank for the opportunity and in this letter I will do my best to explain my interest in applying for School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University, hoping to pursue a major in International Culture and Post-war Expression Studies later in my academic years. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read and grant me an admission. During the in-person interview, I would also be delighted to expand more on my area of studies and what I wish to achieve with liberal studies curriculum including study abroad program.

Our society is going through drastic changes – LGBT, gender equality, religious, energy, consumption and every aspect of life is under question. However, I never thought about sociology of food til I stumbled upon. Sociology of food is the study of food as it relates to the history, progression, and future development of society which includes production, consumption, distribution, conflict, medical application, ritual, spiritual, ethical, and cultural applications, environmental and labor issues. We never questioned what we eat and how it’s been brought to the table, and sociologists have largely ignored food until recently too, because it was seen as just biological, something we needed to survive. But it is very much social when you think about what we eat, who we eat it with and where we eat it. The wave is reaching Japan from the West such as US, and it seems to be the right time to rethink what we consume, how we grow our food, self-efficiency, impact of change in diet, energy and transportation used in delivery, ethics of eating meat vs processed vegan food and the list goes on. 

Although sociology of food is starting to receive spotlight, it is very complex and difficult to assess especially the ethical part. Some ethnic groups eat foods that other ethnic groups sternly reject. For example, the Chinese government, has asked restaurants not to advertise dishes made with dog meat during the Summer Olympics. With international exposure, some eating practices are being threatened but taste and preferences are socially shaped, thus it’s not going to change over a year. Also, it may be inappropriate from one perspective but it shouldn’t be a taboo as it’s unfair the sources of food is limited depending on the region.

You are what you eat and how you share it with. Many say Japan is very behind in vegetarian food adoption, but do we really have to? I feel the strong need to truly appreciate the development of food cultures around the world before we fall into another trap of processed organic or supposedly healthier option. I plan to study comparative culture and social studies to unlock different pockets of education that would help us find an area in which we can locate a job opportunity. And in order for me to attain high-level education and equip myself with what is needed to survive the next decades of globalization and competition, it is extremely important for me to take part in the study abroad program that would allow me to transfer to a school progressive in the field. Very excited to learn and study among like-minded students at Waseda where liberal studies is offered. Thank you very much for reading and I am very much looking forward to hearing good news.

Sincerely Yours,




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