早稲田大学 国際教養学部 AO入試 志望理由書 提出例(ロー グレアム 教授参考)
Dear Admission Office,
First of all I would like to thank for the opportunity, and in this letter please allow me to explain my interest in applying for School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University, hoping to pursue a major in International Communications and Media History later in my academic years. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read and grant me an admission. During the in-person interview, I would also be delighted to expand more on my area of studies and what I can achieve upon joining the school.
Everything about communication and democratic source of information is shifting drastically. Between 1994 and 2016, daily newspaper home delivery declined from more than a hundred and twenty thousand to barely thirty thousand for a well-known paper. Today journalism takes the form of a more independent medium, where journalists are able to share their opinions on a wide range of topics on various platforms. As a result, traditional journalism and media no longer work on under its fame, and because of that journalism is going back to its roots “Quality Journalism”. Apparent challenges for the future of communication historiography are posed by the impact of new media technologies, overall digitalization and changing market dynamics. If we look at media history through a different lens, the past three centuries may help us predict the century to come.
In the beginning, more than a million years ago, before language, we don’t know when the first news story occurred. Roughly 100,000 years ago, something new happened and it’s called Language. Then a little more than 500 years ago, the age of mass media arrived. It started with movable metal type in Europe and spread with the rise of popular printed books. Newspapers, radio and TV — forms of mass media that came after — today we call those forms legacy media. Just about 30 years ago, the World Wide Web arrived. Because of what each generation grew up with, digital natives will always have a special affinity for digital media, just as Boomers do for television and legacy media. And the latest generation that are used to using smart media, curation, social media is going to shape the next trend.
Recently, three leading digital outlets—BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post, and Vice—announced layoffs that left many accomplished journalists unemployed. Shortly after everyone thought traditional media’s transition to digital saved them, this event proved they are not safe afterall. So what comes next? The answer would probably be Intelligent Media – marriage of World Wide Web, Journalism and Artificial Intelligence.
Just like older generations are feeling threatened by the constant changing market dynamics and new technologies, so are younger generations. Studying one thing won’t promise a bright future, and because of that, understanding the history of media and journalism is extremely important. Some people may be indifferent to this area, but I feel passionate about gaining broad knowledge in Communication Studies and Journalism from diverse perspectives. And in order for me to attain high-level education and equip myself with what is needed to survive the next decades of globalization and competition, and locate professional opportunity, it is extremely important for me to study various international studies among like-minded students at Waseda where liberal studies is offered. Thank you very much for reading and I am very much looking forward to hearing good news.