慶應SFC 環境情報学部 AO入試(グローバル) 志望理由書 提出例(藤田護研究会向け)

  1. Dr. Mamoru Fujita

Introduction of the discussion

The Ainu people lived with gratitude because they thought that Kamui gave them all their food and clothes. The soul (= Kamui) dwells in everything in the world, including tools, as well as animals and plants.

In Japanese, it is often referred to as “God”, but for Ainu people, Kamui is not just a worshiping presence, but the relationship is just equal, and it gives us what we need. I was thankful and sometimes protested.

In particular, hunger is said to be a disaster that occurs in mythology.

Finding the problem

Why did the Ainu people think that hunger would occur in the human world?


There are many analogies to know the cause of hunger, but one is that famine has occurred because humans behaved poorly towards animals.

Because God gains prestige by helping and being worshiped by humans, if humans lack gratitude for what God has given humans, and God gets angry and causes hunger. There is a story about human beings offering tribute and prayers to God and asking God to stop hunger.

The other is that when the human world is starved, the Kamui (God) who has been transformed into the human world will also become starved. So Kamui, who had fallen into the human world, talked to the world of Kamui and asked them to stop hunger.


Therefore, I would like to study how the mythology which has been transmitted to the Ainu people have changed.

Examining the conclusion

By studying with Dr. Mamoru Fujita, who has a track record in Ainu language and culture and oral literature in Ainu, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.

Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.





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