- Professor Hiroyuki Kusumoto
Introduction of the discussion
With the spread of the Internet, society has changed dramatically. The Internet has helped popularize digital devices, and digitalization has spread to in-vehicle devices. In-vehicle devices that can be connected to the network are now standard equipment.
By connecting in-vehicle devices to the network, it is possible not only to access the net information from the vehicle, but also to collect information in real time from the in-vehicle sensor of the actual vehicle.
This suggests that it is also possible to construct a scalable mobile network in which each vehicle running on the road is regarded as a mobile sensor.
It is expected to build an information environment that can effectively solve the problems faced by the rapidly changing current society by effectively using the information acquired from in-vehicle sensors via the network.
Finding the problem
If a drive recorder (on-vehicle camera), which has become popular in recent years, is systematized as a mobile security camera as a supplement to fixed security cameras, it should be useful for crime investigations, accident investigations, crime prevention.
The challenge in systematizing onboard cameras is network traffic control. The retention period of video data depends on the storage size of each device.
In order to avoid video data loss due to overwriting, it is necessary to archive the video data. However, because the file size of video data is large, it is obvious that network traffic will puncture if each device sends it all at once.
Therefore, I would like to study the system requirements of the crime prevention information infrastructure network by using the video information obtained from the in-vehicle camera.
Examining the conclusion
By studying with Professor Hiroyuki Kusumoto, who has authored many books on computer networks and has a track record of theoretical research on computer networks, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.
Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.