慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(栗野 盛光先生ゼミ向け)

慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(栗野 盛光先生ゼミ向け)

Dr. Morimitsu Kurino


Department of Economics, Market Design Microeconomics

Keio University

Dear Professor Kurino,

I am writing this letter to explain my motivation behind application for Department of Economics at Keio University, specializing in Microeconomics. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read.

Spending on the IoT security reached USD $547 million in 2018, and security, cost, consumer experience have been a major focus in the industry. B2C matching ability of retail and all kinds of services thanks to IoT in addition to the data it gathers, everything is starting to get personalized. Would it be too invasive for end users or is it the reality customers will soon lose interest in those brands that aren’t able to offer them such a personalised customer experience? 

What is the market landscape around IoT, major players and what it will affect consumer experience in the next decade?

Look into major IoT companies connecting consumers with businesses, examine its matching model and other surrounding topics such as security and consumer experience.

Businesses around IoT can be divided into 1. Technology companies providing solutions to enable connectivity 2. B2C platforms providing a place for consumers to navigate what they are looking for 3. Data companies selling consumer data and do trend analysis. For example, big companies such as Amazon, Alibaba, Hitachi have led IoT solutions in the past years enabling brands to connect data, customer behaviour and experience altogether managing security risks that come with it. On the other hand, direct B2C platforms categorized as “vehicle as service” such as rideshare and peer to peer rentals emerged, after that “mobility as service” is the next idea starting to get accepted to expand it to include public transportation. Soon, in order to solve traffic problems caused by cars in commute and delivery, IoT will be used to predict market demand, understand patterns, combine consumer data and manage resources to improve efficiency.  


IoT industry was initially thought only to be limited to “asset sharing service”, however, with the availability of consumer data acquired by companies, it is enabling a much bigger group of companies to utilize it and reach out to consumers, and it is expanding to public sectors as well. I would love to take part in your seminar to further understand both advantages and risks, to accelerate adoption in the public sectors to think a better market design. Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours,


*栗野盛光・高原勇「モビリティサービスのマーケットデザイン」、オペレーションズ・リサーチ、Vol. 64, No.8, pp. 473-478




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