慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(河井 啓希先生ゼミ向け)
Dr. Hiroki Kawai
Department of Economics, Medical Econometrics
Keio University
Dear Professor Kawai,
I am writing this letter in order to share my motivation in applying for Department of Economics at Keio University, specializing in Econometrics. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read.
How do we assess market power and activities of Japanese companies abroad? It is apparent, Japan and Germany has lost its share in automotive industry to South Korea but what about other industries? While the world runs around trying to increase its currency value, Japan as well have been investing resources on sectors which can obtain more market share and contribute to the growth.
What are the sectors the government has been investing and what is the size of market power we have?
Go through published statistics by the government and understand how market power is estimated.
According to JETRO, aside from tourism related businesses, life science and medical supply, ARVR, renewable energy, smart agriculture and robotics are the sectors our country has been investing over the years. And the market power of those is measured by 1. Number of companies 2. Demand size 3. Pricing power. For example, as a country facing severe population ageing, Japan has been leading in life science medical supply with 10% and above market share after the US. And its lerner index is high with the ability to raise higher than marginal point without losing customers.
It is easy to lose attention to the B2C industries with obvious impact, but to truly understand the activities of Japanese companies abroad, it is necessary to look at the numbers and study econometrics. I would be extremely honored to take part in your seminar to continue ongoing research. Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.
Thank you and Kindest Regards,
*欧州・アジア・北米における日本企業の海外事業展開,河井, 啓希, 三田学会雑誌 (慶應義塾経済学会) 91 ( 2 ) 186(18) – 198(30) 1998年07月 *Market Definition, Market Power, Louis Kaplow, NBER Working Paper No. 21167, Issued in May 2015, NBER Program(s):The Industrial Organization Program