慶應SFC 2020年 総合政策学部 英語 大問1 全文

 There can be few things as:frustrating as being stuck in a car park for four hours on a scorching Sunday afternoon; yet this was the unhappy fate of shoppers at a new multi-story car park at an IKEA store in Reading,UK. As well as prompting a full-scale investigation by IKEA, such chaos invites us to consider how further [31](1. standoff 2. gridlock 3. clearance) can be prevented. Fortunately, mathematics can provide some basic guiding principles as we consider how to design the perfect car park.

 First,we need to decide how many parking spaces there should be. This is a perennial  problem, [32](1.to 2. by 3. from) which there is no prescriptive answer. Too many spaces are costly and look ugly,while too few parking bays result in distraught and dissatisfied customers. Yet some relatively simple math can help us avoid the worst congestion.

 Suppose that daily peak demand averages M cars. We can get a sense of how much the number of cars is likely to vary from the average using standard deviation – let’s call this value S. If S is small, it means that the daily peak demand is quite consistent.If S is larger, it means that there’s a bit more variation; perhaps attendance spikes on Sundays, or over long weekends, or during sale periods.

 Once we know these values, we can use the normal distribution to evaluate the probability that a car park with a given number of spaces will overflow. For example, if M = 750 and S = 100, then a car park with 800 spaces will overflow on 33% of days, whereas a car park with 1,000 spaces will overflow on only 1% of days. Greater accuracy can be achieved by modifying this simple model to focus on the more extreme events.

 Parking bays should leave [33](1.alternative 2. token 3. ample) space around the cars to enable pedestrian access and to allow for the axle tracks of turning circles, so that vehicles can enter and exit smartly without cutting the corners of[34](1.farthest 2. adjacent 3. overlooking)bays. This can also be achieved with sufficiently wide access lanes, so that cars are parallel to the lines when entering their


 Now consider the layout of parking spaces. [35](1.Admitting 2. Ignoring 3. Assuming)that the building has a rectangular plan, there are some simple rules that ensure a convenient and dense population of bays. Rather than having access lanes around the perimeter of each story, moving the lanes inwards allows us to place bays around the edges and increases the number of spaces. Dead ends are undesirable, as they require drivers to reverse [36](1.against 2. with 3. over) the flow of traffic, so ramps should be located to avoid these. One-way flow systems throughout the car park also help to avoid congestion and confusion, while allowing access lanes to be narrower than for a two-way flow of traffic.

 A diagonal layout of car parking spaces offers significant advantages over a rectangular layout. Imagine proceeding along an access lane and finding an empty bay. With a rectangular layout you need to change your direction of travel by 90 degrees, which requires a substantial lane width to [37](1.circumvent 2. eliminate 3. accommodate) your turning circle.

 But for a diagonal layout,the bays on both sides are [38](1.inclined 2. declined 3. reclined) towards you. These require less course adjustment and the access lane can be narrower, so we can fit more parking bays into the same space. For a large car park, a 45-degree bay angle leads to an efficiency savings of 23%. You also need to change your direction of travel much less, so maneuvering is easier and safer when later reversing out of the bay.

 If one were to design a new car park from [39](1.scratch 2. scribbles 3. script),one of the best of all systems is epitomized by the helical car park design.With one entrance, simple traffic flow, and one exit,itis safe for pedestrians and uses the available space efficiently.Crucially,it is also reasonably pretty.Perhaps IKEA should ditch its grid design,and [40](1.spin 2. provide 3. give) the helix a whirl.




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