慶應SFC 総合政策学部 AO入試(グローバル) 志望理由書 提出例(土屋大洋研究会向け)

  1. Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya

Introduction to the discussion

Unauthorized access on computers and the Web is collectively called “cyber-attacks”, and there are many types of cyber-attacks.

In today’s information-oriented society, various information is utilized for corporate activities, and big data such as blogs and SNS is overflowing on the Internet.

If this information is tampered with and leaked, not only it will lose social credibility, but it may fall into a situation where it is forced to pay a large amount of compensation, which is related to national confidential information, especially national security. If it is a confidential matter, it may lead to the result of damaging the interests of the nation and the people.

Finding the problem

Then, what kind of cybersecurity measures are in place around the world?


Cybersecurity debate somehow resembles nuclear deterrence theory.

One strategy relates to strengthening offensive cyber capability and retaliation measures when a first strike is received against the backdrop of an increase in cyberattacks from other countries. Acknowledgment of clearly retaining cyber-attack capabilities has a deterrent effect by mentioning the possibility of using it.

Another strategy is trust-building, which is a means to mutually secure transparency of information and prevent radicalization in the event of a crisis. The aim is to promote mutual understanding by disclosing national stances on cyberspace and cyberwarfare.


Therefore, I would like to explore a comprehensive security strategy that combines multiple security measures in order to counter complex cyber attacks.

Examining the conclusion

By studying with Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya, who is researching information security and cybersecurity, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.

Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.






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