- Associate Professor Hiroki Kuroda
Introduction of the discussion
As can be seen in genome analysis, life science is now transforming into data science. At the same time, “molecular mechanics”, which assumes that life is a complex machine that uses molecules as parts, has also spread widely.
There are a lot of studies to elucidate various life phenomena through the construction (modeling) and simulation of mathematical models based on comprehensive and quantitative biodata, and also to simulate numerically the prediction of drug efficacy and toxicity.
However, unexplained life phenomena still exist at the molecular level. In particular, developmental biology is one of the research areas where modeling and simulation methods are not possible. The reason is that the mechanisms of fertilization and cell division necessary to construct mathematical models have not been elucidated.
Finding the problem
For example, the incidence of monozygotic twins is 1/250, and it is said that there is no difference due to racial, familial, or external factors, but the cause of monozygotic twins is still unknown.
In developmental biology, monozygotic twins develop when one fertilized egg becomes multi-embryonic at the very early stage of development, but the mechanism by which the fertilized egg becomes multi-embryo has not been elucidated.
However, the presence of “probability” means that there is always some mechanism. I would like to clarify the mechanism of fertilized eggs becoming multi-embryos by “listening to living organisms about unexplained life phenomena directly”. It is “the royal road of biology”.
Therefore, I would like to unravel the above-described unexplained phenomenon through “Wet research” (namely, experiment-based research rather than analysis-based research). I would like to elucidate the mechanism of monozygotic twins at the molecular level.
Examining the conclusion
By studying with Associate Professor Hiroki Kuroda, who is a Japan’s leading developmental biologist who boasts the world’s top 10 embryo manipulation technologies, and has made many outstanding achievements so far, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.
Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.