早稲田大学 文化構想学部 JCulP AO入試 英文志望理由書 提出例 (高野 孝子 教授参考) 

早稲田大学 文化構想学部 JCulP AO入試 英文志望理由書 提出例 (高野 孝子 教授参考) 




The expression “Think Globally, Act Locally” has been around for longer than a century. Traditionally, improving living conditions and solving problems, were entirely a government’s job. However, over the last decades, the public saw a limit to it as the elites lack the ability to think from citizens’ perspective and thanks to digitization we gained much greater capabilities. And I would like to discuss the roles NGOs, NPOs, CSRs, social enterprises and social entrepreneurs play in ensuring the quality of our lives. 


NGOs and NPOs are traditional institutions leading social efforts, and in addition to them, it has become a norm that businesses should join them in making the difference. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model or programs that help a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. At the same time, a social enterprise or social business is defined as a business that has specific objectives that serve its primary purpose to usually serve a community. Unlike NGOs and NPOs, social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment.


In fact, businesses today are entering a whole new paradigm for their existence – where consumers consider a business less as a “company” and more as an “institution,” integrated into the social fabric of society providing social value on top of the original business they operate.


These programs and efforts can sound like a broad concept, and it takes many forms depending on the company and industry such as volunteer programs, sustainable production, creating employment, funding scholarships etc. 


Examples include Starbucks, LEGO, Patagonia and many other enterprises long before going public, that had a keen sense of corporate social responsibility, and commitment to sustainability and community welfare. They achieved milestones such as ethically sourced ingredients, creating a global network of farmers, pioneering green building throughout its stores, millions of hours of community service and these are impressive to anyone’s eyes. Instead of being an ignorant shopper, I wish to study these types of efforts around the world and spend my money more wisely.


  • JCulP 


I chose because JCulP is an extremely unique program that combines the best of American and Japanese education characteristics. 1. Research and presentation based classes – which world class schools like Harvard introduced to the education world. It is essential to have the ability to research, build digital wisdom, use case studies and voice opinions, in order to work in an increasingly competitive world. 2. Practical language skills – language is merely a tool and just studying the linguistic systems is not good enough to use it in the real world. 3. Appreciating the cultural roots – As a young born in a country with such long history, rich culture and economic significance, it is a responsibility for all of us to understand it, remind the world and pass it on to the next generations. Academic environment that promotes cultural understanding and diversity is a perfect place to prepare for the mission.




As much as I want to spend time appreciating our heritage and living in the bubbles, I am scared. So, what originally motivated me to look for an unconventional study program was rather a fear. It is because of the brutal truth, that many other Asian countries have outgrown Japan and it is truly humbling. In spite of the fearful reality, many young people are indifferent, reluctant to face it, too scared to travel abroad and take challenges. The elite in Japan used to be very smart, diligent, and passionate. What happened after the baby boomers and how can we continue to surprise the world? 


Developed countries are facing population decrease and the international climate seems unstable. In a time like this, it is crucial we take our past mistakes seriously, embrace history, show sympathy to other cultures and be a better peacemaker. Therefore, I find the school’s philosophy, student demography and curriculum very attractive. I am sure I will be a great addition as I have a lot to share due to my motivation, future contribution in seminars and researches, language skills and internship experiences.


To summarize, JCulP offers the kind of schooling that has it all. In order for me to equip myself with what is needed to secure opportunities in the age of globalization, I am very thrilled to join other like-minded students at Waseda next year. 




Thank you very much for reading and I am looking forward to good news. If not an immediate admission, I would be delighted to expand more on my area of studies, personal background and what I wish to achieve with the curriculum during the in-person interview.







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