早稲田大学 文化構想学部 JCulP AO入試 英文志望理由書 提出例(酒井 智宏 教授参考)
When Europeans come to Japan, they get surprised to see so many cafes, restaurants, products and businesses are commonly named using their languages which can be German, French, Spanish and English. This indicates, our language, perception and culture are largely influenced by and connected to European languages. Roughly, there are 24 official languages in Europe, while there are actually more than 200 languages spoken on the continent. Out of those, how come we associate so much with few of them and when did we develop a sense of meaning in those foreign languages? To our surprise, some linguists say European and Asian languages can be traced back to single mother tongue with its root in southern europe, as we see similarities. However as for the similarities, we can argue that some terms have been adopted during trade for example “Pan” in Portugal is used in Japan as opposed to “Bread” in English. It means, among them frequently used pronouns, numbers and adverbs survived for tens of thousands of years before other words replaced them. The world seems to have their eyes on how our brain works – neuroscience – however, understanding our perception requires much insight into how our language developed and how our brain processes it. I feel passionate to learn and analyze our language which can be the key to define our patterns and intelligence.
To continue, I would first like to express gratitude for the opportunity given, and in this short letter I will do my best to explain how I came to the very decision of applying for JCulP at Waseda University. I understand this is an extremely unique program offered by a prestigious school targeting students who wish to receive education in English, improve communication skills, and study Japanese cultures in comparison to other cultures. In fact, I am hoping to acquire academic English skills and pursue courses in International Culture, Japanese History and Economic studies throughout my academic years. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read and allow me to proceed. During the in-person interview, I would be delighted to expand more on my area of studies, previously participated activities, personal background and what I wish to achieve with the curriculum.
With regards to what motivated me to apply, I took part in a study abroad program this past summer, there my biggest findings were followings. 1) Education programs and mandatory curriculum are very unique to each country and some countries only study very brief history about Japan 2) Whether it’s something we read on the internet, the news or textbook, a lot of the content has been translated and original interpretation may differ, due to above reasons, being able to understand in English without bias and taking control of what I study would have huge impact on my academic intelligence. In addition, as nationalism boosts around the world, I feel ashamed that many young Japanese don’t take the pride in understanding their roots. As a responsible citizen to represent this country in the future, I wish to study my own heritage so that I can possibly teach someone who doesn’t know much about Japan. The world may be uncertain, but the best way to learn what the future has in store for us is to look at the past. Therefore, I am aligned with the school’s policy and curriculum design. I also strongly believe that discussion and presentation based classes promote active thinking and would really help with building academic skills, even real life skills. Thus, I am only considering JCulP or attending a school overseas as my potential academic paths.
With a prospect that the world will continue to invent, studying one thing may not promise a bright future, however, there are unlimited opportunities for our generation and appreciating our heritage is the first step. Inventions and exposure to different cultures allow us to question many aspects of life, which include work style, beauty standard, shape of family, political stance etc. Lastly, in order for me to attain high-level education and equip myself with what is needed to secure opportunities in the age of globalization, it is extremely important for me to study my own culture on top of various international studies among like-minded students at Waseda where intensive studies is offered. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and I am already excited to join such a great school next year.