65.慶應SFC 環境情報学部 AO入試(グローバル) 志望理由書 提出例(長谷部葉子研究会向け)

  1. Associate Professor Yoko Hasebe

Introduction of the discussion

We often hear the story of being able to understand the goodness of Japan for the first time after staying abroad, but I think the same can be said in Japan.

There are merits and demerits in both urban and rural life.

Living in the countryside has the inconvenience that there are things that are not readily available, but we are helping each other in a traditional deep neighborhood. At school, everyone stays like a brother with a small number of people since childhood.

On the contrary, in the city life, what you want is usually readily available and there are many shops, but the neighborhood relationship is rather thin. There are various club activities at school because there are multiple classes in the same grade, but there are children who graduate without knowing their names or knowing their names.

Finding the problem

Then, if children living in completely different environments can study in Japan for a short period of time, can they re-recognize the goodness of their city?


Most of the environment in which children live is not their own choice, but they have no doubt about it. And most of them grow up taking it for granted without knowing other living.

In other words, in order to re-recognize the city where you live, it is very important to have the opportunity to know other environments correctly and to experience them.


Therefore, I would like to make a program for children to have an opportunity to live in different environments in the opposite environment, and to have an opportunity to think what is missing in their city, and how to make a better living environment from actual experience. Also, I would like to launch a project to connect these experiences to town re-vitalization and environmental improvement proposals.

Examining the conclusion

By studying with Associate Professor Yoko Hasebe, who has a proven track record in practical research through numerous fieldwork, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.

Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.





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