慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(高草木 光一先生ゼミ向け)
Dr. Koichi Takakusagi
Department of Economics, History of Social Thought
Keio University
Dear Professor Takakusagi,
I am writing this letter to explain my motivation behind application for Department of Economics at Keio University, specializing in Economic History of Social Thought. I have read a number of your published work which I was very intrigued by. I would be extremely grateful if you could kindly give this a consideration.
“Philosophy is the sister of medicine” once Tertullian the latin philosopher said. On the contrary to what some philosophers argue, there exists a very close link between philosophy and medicine, since from ancient Greece to the modern era, philosophy has been at the very basis of medicine. Although the two disciplines seem to pursue completely disparate goals – philosophy being the quest for truth and mental well-being while medicine is the quest for health and precision, they are in complementary ways striving for the enhancement of healthy wellbeing. In modern medicine, it has been proven, caring mental or psychological effects on medication is absolutely necessary for the prescribed medicine to work. Hereby, I wish to examine the task of philosophy in modern Western medicine.
New developments in medicine provoke questions beyond the scope of medicine, questions to which only philosophy may be able to provide answers, For example, “What is correct medical thinking? “Is it ethical to prescribe certain kinds of medicine to patients without informing?” “What kind of mental support is needed before starting medication?”. How are we able to answer those questions in order to facilitate ethical and effective development of medication practices?
When referring to modern medicine, it is executed based on a pool of facts, knowledge and guidelines. However in ancient Greece, medicine was an open art that is so complex, that in which philosophers, root-cutters, physicians, priests, exorcists, bone-set- ters, surgeons, and even lay persons participated. Thankfully, over the last centuries, modern medicine managed to put together precise practices guidelines based on scientific facts, numbers and experiments, which doctors and physicians can exercise. However, the new field of study is arising, combination of ethics, philosophy and medicine. Shocking examples include, in the US some states legalized practicing medicine to cease one’s life upon one’s request, and prescription of severe medication to cope with mental health issues regardless of its appropriateness. These kinds of examples call for a need, there has to be a comprehensive guidelines to avoid bad medical exercise. What is also worth noting is that, the field of medicine is becoming complex in a different way than the past now that politics, global competition, consumer market is involved. In order to pursue developing new type of medicine or new form of guideline, it has to be actively approved by politicians, funds, global competition and consumer needs not only from the viewpoint of developing something good for human beings.
It is a fearful thought, the development of new medicines has been so fast, existing laws aren’t good enough to regulate radical use of modern medicine. More than ever, the importance of understanding classical medical theories holds much importance, as we enter a new age of information, practices and entailing ethical problems. I would love to take part in your seminar to conduct research to contribute to the society. Thank you very much for taking the time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
*What is the place for philosophy within the field of medicine? A review of contemporary issues in medical ethics, Richard Fenton , Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine *澤瀉久敬『医学概論』における近代の超克, 高草木, 光一, 三田学会雑誌 (慶應義塾経済学会) 106 ( 1 ) 5 – 30 2013年04月