慶應SFC 環境情報学部 AO入試(グローバル) 志望理由書 提出例(川島英之研究会向け)

  1. Associate Professor Hideyuki Kawashima

Introduction of the discussion

With the progress of the digital information society, the amount of data handled by mankind is steadily increasing.

In recent years, database processing architecture has become more distributed-oriented, and distributed database management systems (distributed DBMS) have become mainstream.

A distributed DBMS can ensure scalability and fault tolerance by dividing and managing data on multiple nodes, but on the other hand, transaction processing across multiple nodes has a high load, so high performance is an important issue. Data protection is the lifeline of databases, but storage media has a lifetime, so data replication is the core that guarantees serviceability.

However, as the “CAP Theorem” indicates that only two of the three elements of Consistency, Availability, and Partition-tolerance can be satisfied at the same time, it accompanies technical difficulties.

Finding the problem

The data itself is just an enumeration of numerical values ​​in time series, and technology that processes and analyzes the data to extract the desired phenomenon will become increasingly important in the future.


Particularly in recent years, IoT and big data utilization efforts are progressing at the manufacturing site due to advances in ICT technology. Increasing use cases for business opportunities, such as using machine learning and time-series analysis to acquire new knowledge from acquired data, improve manufacturing processes, and apply to the development of new products and services.

If a huge amount of data can be collected, database system technology including transaction processing will become even more important.


I would like to build a data environment that can operate applications efficiently and robustly by increasing the speed and performance of distributed transaction processing.

Examining the conclusion

By studying with Associate Professor Hideyuki Kawashima, who is one of the pioneers in database research, such as making innovative proposals to speed up distributed transaction processing using a high-speed communication technique called RDMA (remote direct memory access), I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.

Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.





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