慶應SFC 環境情報学部 AO入試(グローバル) 志望理由書 提出例(中浜優子研究会向け)

  1. Professor Yuko Nakahama

Introduction of the discussion

According to previous studies, the viewpoint of foreigners learning Japanese language tend to portray a story from multiple viewpoints, while Japanese native speakers tend to portray a story from a single viewpoint.

In other words, foreigners learning Japanese language depict stories by focusing on the events that happened in the story, while Japanese native speakers depict stories by focusing on specific character who appeared in the story.

However, since these studies used only limited syntactic cues, some of them were judged not to belong to either of the above, so the certainty of the above hypothesis should be increased by adding more syntactic cues.

Finding the problem

Then, what kind of syntactical clues should be added to clarify the difference between how to place the viewpoints and how to depict the story?


In previous research, benefactive expressions and voices were used as syntactical clues to express viewpoints.

Therefore, after adding movement verbs, subjective expressions, quasi-emotion expressions, and emotion expressions, researches re-examine how to put the viewpoint in depicting stories.

As a result, it was found out that, unlike the previous research results, both foreigners learning Japanese language and Japanese native speakers depict stories by focusing on one specific character.

In this way, by increasing the number of syntactical clues from two to six, the difference between the above-described hypothesis that could not be discriminated in the previous research has become clearer.


Therefore, I would like to build a tool for foreigners learning Japanese language to understand Japanese language or Japanese culture more accurately based on the difference in how these viewpoints are placed.

Examining the conclusion

By studying with Professor Yuko Nakahama, who has a lot of research achievements in acquiring Japanese as a second language, I am sure that I could obtain various perspectives regarding my research and it would open up new horizons for me.

Therefore, I believe that Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies is the most suitable place for pursuing my research and social contributions, and I am aspiring to enter your school and study in your laboratory.




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