慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(津谷 典子先生ゼミ向け)

慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(津谷 典子先生ゼミ向け)

Dr. Noriko Tsuka


Department of Economics, Social Demographics

Keio University

Dear Professor Tsuya,

I am writing this letter to explain my purpose in applying for Department of Economics at Keio University, specializing in Social Demographics and related studies. I have read a number of your published work which I was very intrigued by. I would be extremely grateful if you could kindly give this a read. 

The world’s population is ageing, and so it is in Japan. That is not only because we are living longer with the advancement in socio-medical field, but also because there are fewer young people being born in the country especially in places such as China, Japan, Korea and Europe. For example,   the Chinese government recently decided to abolish the one-child policy and has encouraged discussions to encourage women to have two children, which has increased the birth rate rising from below 1.5 in 2000 to just 1.57 in 2015. Shrinking young population has direct association to rising labour costs, smaller consumption ability and unprofitability of businesses. To make things worse, because of the stagnant economy, less younger people are getting married and prepared to have kids. In the long run, how does this affect health, pension, economy as a whole?

In general, these demographic trends will favour services and weigh on the manufacturing sector and public welfare. However, to put a perspective, shortage in labor force has resulted in the migration of some industries such as manufacturing to less developed countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam from every developed country, but contributed to a continued drive to automation, creation of new businesses and strong demand for vocational education. If that is so, what can we do to really understand and take necessary steps as a citizen to respond to the shrinking population, outsourcing of jobs abroad, hiring of foreign workers, rising healthcare cost of elderly, pension system under threat and nurturing new industries?

-Populations living in urban areas experience greater health inequalities as well as higher burdens of illness. Thus relocation and investment in rural areas may help both young and old to live healthy with less medical expense

-New industries are thriving in areas including anti-ageing lifescience, foreign workers education, investment in rural areas, consumer products for elferly etc.

-With more life options, more and more young people choose to stay single, while helping foreigners to settle and raise children contribute to birth rate

-Pension system is under threat, but with increased employment of 60+ could contribute to help businesses and generate tax income

Accordingly to world population prospects, it demonstrates that the majority of East Asian countries will have support ratios at or below 2.0 just like European countries experienced. With different measures, both direct and in-direct policy changes in order to benefit both young and old is crucial in the next decade. I believe it is an important mission for us to study correlation between market innovation, socio economic changes and public sectors in order to advise the public. I would love to take part in your seminar to conduct meaningful research based on valid data points. Thank you very much for taking the time and I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Sincerely Yours,


*Prudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, 津谷 典子, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2010年





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