慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(武山 政直先生ゼミ向け)

慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(武山 政直先生ゼミ向け)

Dr. Masanao Takeyama


Department of Economics, Economic Geography

Keio University

Dear Professor Takeyama,

I am writing this letter to explain my motivation behind application for Department of Economics at Keio University, specializing in Economic Geography and Consumer Analysis. I have read a number of your published work which I was very intrigued by. I would be extremely grateful if you could kindly give this a consideration.

Economic geography has long been characterized by a succession of dominant approaches: spatial analysis in the 1950s-1970s, radical geography during the 1970s-1980s, the regulationist approach in the 1980s-1990s, and the cultural turn starting in the 1990s. However, today, consumer geography has changed due to technology and it seems extremely splintered, not only in its approaches but also in its methods. Therefore, over the past fifteen years, efforts to open dialogue and spark discussion on the foundations of economic geography have multiplied. I would like to study and demonstrate that multi-region, new economic geography models are able to simulate the real-world distribution trends witnessed over the past few centuries. 

In terms of data points, NEG has been enriched by introducing important ingredients such as intermediate goods, land for housing, urban costs, agricultural transport costs, and economic growth. With the acceleration in technological innovation, three factors experts are increasingly taking into consideration are 1. Innovation 2. Organization 3. Consumption space, in order to understand consumer dynamics.

Although the lifestyles and tastes that consumers crave and actively build for themselves are place specific and localized, the preferences of the consumer is changing due to various forces. For example, a long-term decline in work hours in advanced industrialized societies, and a corresponding growth in free leisure time have led to the emerging industry and variety of consumer activities. On top of the market trend, the effects of neo-liberal regimes across the globe on the ownership of resources and distribution are worth looking at. There are growing numbers of studies dedicated to climate change, energy transition, political goals of economic development and environmental preservation. To elaborate, consumption of gastronomical goods, it used to be completely localized, then global competition came in with mass production, however consumers started seeking authenticity which brought back local production and tourism in instance.

By studying innovation, organization and consumption space, NEG is still a valid method to understand economic geography. And with many changes in the fast paced world, I believe it is important to understand these movements based on evidence with both macro micro economic point of views. I would love to take part in your seminar to conduct meaningful research. Thank you very much for taking the time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you and Kind Regards,


*The Three Axes of Consumer Actions: An Agenda for Economic Geography, Yuko Aoyama, Graduate School of Geography and George Perkins Marsh Institute, CLARK UNIVERSITY




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