慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(神田 さやこ先生ゼミ向け)

慶應義塾大学 経済学部 PEARL入試 志望理由書 提出例(神田 さやこ先生ゼミ向け)

Dr. Sayako Kanda


Department of Economics, Economic History

Keio University


Dear Professor Kanda,

I am writing this letter with an intention to explain my purpose in applying for Department of Economics at Keio University, with its focus on Asian economic history. I would be more than grateful if you could kindly give it a read.

India is expected to be the third largest consumer economy as its consumption may triple to US$ 4 trillion by 2025, and is estimated to surpass US to become the second largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) by the year 2040, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Just because many of the Indians we see in Japan work in convenience stores and factories, we are ignoring the fact we are no longer ranked one of the richest nations in the world, especially in terms of PPP. Here I see it an urgent task to truly appreciate what is happening in India and how the socio economic changes took place.

Research the history of socio economic changes since independence from Britain and analyze the future of Japan and India.


India won freedom mainly through a sustained, non-violent struggle involving the sacrifice of thousands of people, mainly under the leadership of Tilak, Gandhi, Nehru and Bose in 1947. It is widely said that industrialisation has been possible because India adopted the path of planned economic development and social changes – the planning committee of India implemented 5 years plan to lift all social classes with education and employment. But how did it unfold and is there any challenges? 


It did contribute to easing problems such as social gaps, employment diversity, education gaps, infrastructure by introducing government led changes. What Japan and India have in common is that, foundation of development started with providing education to the mass. However, as it is a country with a long history and size, it has not been easy uniting different states and communities. The term “Communalism” was born to describe a situation where different local groups are so independent, policy intervention was not enough to bring modernity.


Japan can certainly learn from communalism and inclusion of rural area, and once again look at the importance of education. In the near future, in addition to Indian workers in local shops, we will for sure start importing Indian engineers and specialists to counter labor shortage. I would love to take part in your  seminar to understand and prepare for the next decade, when exchange between Japan and India will become even stronger. Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours,


*From Thrace to Bengal: Greek Merchants and the Trade in Chunam and Salt in Early Colonial Bengal, 神田 さやこ, Peoples, Places and Cultures in Asian and World History, 1300-1900 (Pune, Maharashtra, India) , 2017年01月, 口頭(一般), Department of History, Savitribai Phule Pune University *An Introduction to Changing India: Culture, Politics and Development, Sirpa Tenhunen, Minna Säävälä, Series: Anthem South Asian Studies, 2012, Anthem Press




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